The story of witch relentlessly haunted by soldiers, and her growth and adventure...
WitchSpring R is a story-driven RPG combining elements of simulation, collecting & crafting, and battling. Play as Pieberry, a white-haired, bunny-eared witch growing up in a forest filled with monsters. To relive her childhood memories (eating delicious food!), she longs to venture among humans, but she can't find a way to the outside world... until your story begins! A world of new experiences is waiting for YOU to explore with her.
Train Witchy Talents
Train Pieberry in all kinds of skills to make her more powerful! Your choices decide her future growth
Collect and fuse various magic ingredients. Cook magical meals for Pieberry to increase her magic abilities
"Feed" unneeded nutrients to Pieberry's staff to upgrade it in the direction you choose.
Experience an Epic Adventure
Follow Pieberry through an all-new story, encountering all sorts of witches, humans, and never-before-seen monsters. Are they friends? Foes? Or...? All kinds of hidden stories are waiting for you to set out and uncover!
Multiple Collection and Gameplay Systems
Magic tomes, recipes, and special items are hiding all over the world for you to discover;
Train different types of pets for different types of help on your adventure;
Choose your favorite magic attributes to train, designing your own battle strategy.
Finally (and most importantly!), our star Pieberry is brought to life with adorable, lively animation and voice acting. She can even dress as a human to sneak into the village!
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