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The Family Farming Knowledge Platform gathers digitized quality information on family farming from all over the world; including national laws and regulations, public policies, best practices, relevant data and statistics, researches, articles and publications.
It provides a single access point for international, regional and national information related to family farming issues; integrating and systematizing existing information to better inform and provide knowledge-based assistance to policy-makers, family farmers’ organizations, development experts, as well as to stakeholders in the field and at the grassroots level.
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Family Farming Knowledge Platform – Presentation
unfaofaounited nationsfood and agriculture organization of the united nationsfao.orgUNFAOFAOFAO of the UNFood and Agriculture Organization of the United NationsFamily Farming Knowledge PlatformSmallholdersAgroecologyForest FarmingIndigenous PeopleMountain FarmingPastoralismSmall-scale fisheriessustainable developmentDatabaseLawsPublic PoliciesAdvocacy