Learn English abbreviations and acronyms you should know for competitive exams, online and mobile communication.
Learning English abbreviations and acronyms is necessary to speak English fluently and confidently. Native speakers use these abbreviations in their English conversation, therefore to understand them and to communicate with other, you should know the meaning of shortened English words and sentences.
Most of the these abbreviations and acronyms are used for online and mobile communication.
We understand the meaning and usage of following abbreviations:
AFAIK As far as I know
AFK Away from keyboard
ASAP As soon as possible
A/S/L, ASL Age / Sex / Location?
ATM At the moment
A3 Anytime, Anywhere, Anyplace
b/c Because
BBL Be back later
BBS Be back soon
BBQ Barbecue
BF Boyfriend
BFF Best friend(s) forever
BFN / B4N Bye for now
BRB Be right back
BRT Be right there
BTW By the way
B4N Bye for now
CU See you.
CYA See you.
CUZ / COS Because
DND Do not disturb
EOD End of debate
EOF End of file
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FB Facebook
FTL For the loss
FTW For the win
FYI For your information
GR8 Great
GTG Got to go
GTFO Get the f**k out
G9 Genius
GBTW Get back to work
GF / GG Girlfriend. Good fight. Good game. Great fight.
GFU Good for you
Gratz Congratulations
GM Good morning
GN Good night
HAND Have a nice day
H5 High five
HF Have fun
IC I see. Oh I see.
ICQ I seek you
IDC I don't care
Idk I don't know
IG Instagram
IIRC If I remember correctly
ILU I love you.
IM Instant Messenger
IMHO In my humble opinion
IMO In my opinion
IRL In real life
J/K Just kidding
KISS Keep it simple stupid
LDR Long distance relationship
LMAO Laughing my A$$ off.
LMFAO Laughing my f**king ass off.
LOL Laughing out Loud
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Thank you for learning English 120 important abbreviations and acronyms you should know.
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