“Don Quixote” is a novel by Miguel de Cervantes, published in two parts in 1605 and 1615. The story follows a middle-aged gentleman named Alonso Quixano, who becomes so enamored with tales of knights and chivalry that he decides to set out on his own quest as a knight-errant, under the name Don Quixote. Accompanied by his loyal squire, Sancho Panza, Don Quixote travels through the Spanish countryside, seeking adventure and righting wrongs. Despite his good intentions, Don Quixote's delusions and misguided sense of honor lead him into numerous comic misadventures, as he mistakes windmills for giants and flocks of sheep for armies. Along the way, he also meets a variety of colorful characters, including a peasant girl whom he imagines to be a noble lady, and a group of actors whom he takes to be enchanted knights. As the story unfolds, Don Quixote's adventures become increasingly absurd, and he begins to realize the folly of his ways. However, his spirit remains unbroken, and he continues to see the world through the lens of chivalric romance. In the end, he returns home, where he dies peacefully in his bed, having won the admiration and respect of those who knew him. The novel is considered a classic of Spanish literature and a landmark work in the development of the modern novel.
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