A tunnel I often went down from top to bottom in the early to mid 1980's. I know that by the late 1980's it had been sealed.
Video starts at the top end looking in to where it was sealed, then carries on from the blockage reached by going up from the beach.
Video is shaky as bottom of tunnel was covered in loosely fallen bits of rock that have fallen over the winter, As the summer goes on, the floor tends to be a lot smoother due to people going up & down & slowly clearing it.
This tunnel is very well known by most, but for anyone previously unaware, the top is a little past the entrance to Fort Redoubt on the left, and the bottom, is in Watcombe bay.
The bottom can be reached by boat, or on a very low 'Spring Tide' by walking around from Freshwater bay.
Anyone going around ought to be confident, careful, and be very mindful of the incoming tide.
The Watcombe Bay Tunnel - Isle Of Wight.
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