The Rig Veda is a collection of inspired songs or hymns and is a main source of information on the Rig Vedic civilization.
It is the oldest book in any Indo-European language and contains the earliest form of all Sanskrit mantras that date back to 1500 B.C. - 1000 B.C.
Some scholars date the Rig Veda as early as 12000 BC - 4000 B.C.
The Rig-Vedic 'samhita' or collection of mantras consists of 1,017 hymns or 'suktas', covering about 10,600 stanzas, divided into eight 'astakas' each having eight 'adhayayas' or chapters, which are sub-divided into various groups.
The hymns are the work of many authors or seers called 'rishis'.
There are seven primary seers identified: Atri, Kanwa,Vashistha, Vishwamitra, Jamadagni, Gotama and Bharadwaja.
The rig Veda accounts in detail the social, religious, political and economic background of the Rig-Vedic civilization.
Even though monotheism characterizes some of the hymns of Rig Veda, naturalistic polytheism and monism can be discerned in the religion of the hymns of Rig Veda.
-=हरि ॐ =-
Rig Veda -- Full Chanting
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