The K9A2, the most up-to-date variant of the K9 Self-Propelled Howitzer, was on display at DVD 2022, held from Sept. 21-22 at the UTAC Millbrook Proving Ground, Bedfordshire, the U.K.
Equipped with a fully automatic ammunition handling system to increase
the rate of fire over 9 rounds per minute, the K9A2 is an artillery game changer featuring enhanced firepower, mobility and survivability.
During the defence equipment show, the K9A2 for the first time showcased its all-terrain mobility at a cross-country track.
#Hanwha #K9 #K9A2 #UK #MFP #TeamThunder #Millbrook #britisharmy #royalartillery #selfpropelledhowitzer #autoloader #madeintheuk
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