Video from St Gerard's Catholic Parish Dandenong North, of the Good Friday Service, April 19, 2019. The main celebrant was Assistant Parish Priest Fr Francis Denton, assisted by Parish Priest Fr Brendan Arthur and Priest-in-Residence Fr Michael Shadbolt. Music was provided by the St Gerard's Choir and Schola, led by Director of Music Natasha Marsh.
Many thanks go to Jefferson Zaher, for filming the first part of the Service while I was tending to car parking duties.
Vaxfacts: Good Friday is the Christian holy day falling on the Friday before Easter. It commemorates the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary, in the holy city of Jerusalem. It is the sixth day of Holy Week, preceded by Holy Thursday and followed by Holy Saturday. The liturgy of the day is celebrated at 3:00PM, to commemorate the hour that Christ died on the Cross. Note that it is a Good Friday 'Service', and not a 'Mass', as there is no consecration of the Host (communion wafers) in the liturgy- it is done the night before at the Holy Thursday Mass, which commemorates the Last Supper, the event which instituted the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The main parts of the service are the chanting of the Gospel of the Crucifixion by the priests, and the veneration of the Cross by those in attendance.
The date is always between March 20 and April 23 inclusive, but these dates fall on different days depending on whether the Gregorian calendar or Julian calendar is used liturgically. Eastern churches generally use the Julian calendar and celebrate this feast throughout the 21st century between April 2 and May 6 in the more commonly used Gregorian calendar. The liturgy held from 3:00PM on Good Friday continues the Easter Triduum, the period which commemorates the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus; this period begins on Holy Thursday and concludes on Holy Saturday, on the evening of Easter.
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