Directed by Charles Jones, written by Tiffany Yancy and produced by Tressa Smallwood and Ibrahim Yilla, Holiday Heartbreak follows a helpless romantic unknowingly cursed with relationship problems passed down from her father’s bad luck of mishandling women. In honor of her 30th birthday, 'Monica McCoy' portrayed by Maryam Basir (The Chi, Chicago PD) is looking forward to spending quality time with her childhood friends, and loving father, 'Mike McCoy' (Michael Colyar) for the Christmas holiday. They have a very close relationship, the kind little girls would dream about, until their candid conversations culminate with the realization of why Monica believes she is cursed and may never find “the one" emanating from her father's complicated romantic entanglements with LisaRaye McCoy's character, 'Summer St. John,' and 'Joyce,' portrayed by AJ Johnson. Fast forward to her birthday celebration when Monica instantly falls in love with a chauvinistic philandering comedian, 'Wild Bill,' portrayed by Kountry Wayne.
The film premieres on Wednesday, December 16th on BET & BET Her at 6pm ET/PT and on BET+ on December 20th. Filmed earlier this year, the project was one of the first to meet all stringent, numerous COVID protocols and get the green light to shoot in Maryland's Prince George's County.
Occhi had the opportunity to talk to LisaRaye McCoy and Tressa Smallwood about the film.
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