Super Rusty Pliers Restoration [150 Years Old?]
Restoration Video Overview:
A video of my Pliers restoration that has already been viewed by 1.7 million people In which many people have claimed that it is a fake rust. But the pliers which I have restored in this video it had real rust on it and the friend who gave it to me he said it's 150 years old And looking at its condition, it looks like it's actually 150 years old.
It took us a lot of hard work to make this restoration video. I first stripped it of rust and cleaned it thoroughly, then electrolyzed it to make it even better. Then hand sanding And then I polished it like glass. Now it is also usable.
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Super Rusty Pliers Restoration [150 Years Old?]
Pliers restorationRusted And Fully Jammed Pliers Restorationrusty plier restorationold plier restorationimpossible restorationantique pliers restorationantique restorationold tools restorationrestoration videosrusty restorationtools restorationantique tools restorationvintage tools restorationrestoring old toolsrestoring old thingsrestorationrepairreatorerescueAntiqueoldvintagerustyrestoring