All RICS APC candidates on the 12 or 24 month structured training route to RICS Membership have to record their experience using the RICS APC Diary within the Assessment Resource Centre or ARC.
If you want to know more about the RICS APC Diary then look no further than this video.
The journey to becoming an RICS member can be a daunting one but if you are considering becoming a member then you need to watch this video. Whether you choose to undertake the Assesment of Professional Compentence (APC) or Senior Professional, Specialist or Academic route. Becoming a Chartered Surveyor and earning your MRICS is a huge achievement and demonstrates that you have met the high standards expected and maintained by the RICS.
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RICS APC - Structured Training Diary
RICS MembershipRICSAPCRICS APCRoyal Institution of Chartered SurveyorsR.I.C.SMRICSFRICSChartered SurveyorWhat is a Chartered SurveyorRICS loginRICS cpdRoyal Institute of Chartered SurveyorsRICS CPDrics apc pathwaysrics preliminary reviewricsrics apcRICS ARCRICS ARC Loginconstructacademyconstruct academyconstruction academy