The all-you-can-eat buffet is a tribute to food lovers. But these establishments have plenty of tricks up their sleeves to keep the costs of customers' consumption low and their profits high. Here's how to beat them at their own game and get your money's worth with 5 golden rules.
You may think that fasting all day before you hit the buffet will leave you with plenty of room to fill up, but starving yourself all day before you head out to eat can have some unintended consequences. According to competitive eater Matt "Megatoad" Stonie, trying to stuff a massive amount of food onto a completely empty stomach can lead to major cramps before you've even gotten to your second plate.
Rather than fasting completely, make sure your meals leading up to the buffet are light in nature. Yogurt, cereals, and soups are good meal options that won't fill you up for hours on end. And here's something else "Megatoad" recommends for the serious buffet-goers: Drink plenty of water to keep your stomach pliable throughout the day and ready for the task ahead of you. Carry a big bottle around with you and set a timer to go off periodically to remind you to take a swig.
Physical activity can sometimes have an impressive impact on your appetite, but if you're specifically looking to stimulate your hunger, you have to be mindful about the intensity and timing of your workout. According to Lara Douglas, an exercise physiologist and researcher at Loyola University Chicago,
"The harder you exercise, the more blood you're pulling away from the gut and the less hungry you're going to feel."
It makes sense, right? Once you've recovered from your workout, your hunger will return. The amount of time it takes to recover is proportional to how long you were active, and it's an easy thing to figure out. Basically, the amount of time you exercise is about the same amount it will take for your body's systems to return to baseline and cue your appetite.
Watch the video to learn about more hacks to really get your money's worth at a buffet!
How to eat maximum in a buffet
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