It's 2023, and Mojosito and Me are still here! Find out some of the cool things Mojosito and Me have experienced since the release of the film in November 2021. 🚙💨💨
Written, directed, edited by: Lidieth Arevalo
Cinematographer: Wil' Prada
This video was produced in association with The Center for Cultural Power (CPP), and is one of 5 short films commissioned to be part of CCP's Beyond Status 2021 short film series.
You can watch the full film in English here: [ Ссылка ]
Puedes mirar el documental completo en Español aquí: [ Ссылка ]
Mojosito and Me (2023) Highlights 🚙💨💨
Lidieth ArevaloMojosito and MeMojosito y YoLidhy ProductionsLidieth Arevalo HernandezAlyson StudiosDocumentarySalvadoreñaSalvadoranCineasta SalvadoreñaDocumentaristaThe Center for Cultural PowerCultureStrikePontiac VibeInternational Motor Film AwardsMotor Film AwardsMojosito and Me (2023)AhuachapanecaSalvi NewsComediaMujer CristianaNFMLANewFilmmakers LAOTB Film Awards