François Arnal is born in La Valette (Var), from a family of wine growers.
High school in Toulon.College at the Aix en Provence University : Degree in law and letters.
In 1943, he enters a "maquis of Auvergne" as resistant, there he becomes acquainted with Conrad Kickert, Dutch artist refugee from Paris, friend of Le Fauconnier. It’s he who teaches him the first rudiments of his job and encourages him to paint.
In 1948 Arnal arrives in Paris where he lives and works since.
However it’s interesting to note the prolonged stays of the artist in Mexico, Polynesia, Central America and in U.S.A..
He joins the movement of Lyrical Abstraction (Charles Estienne) and of Informal Art (Michel Tapié). He starts sculpting in 1960. Lives in the U.S. six months a year where he exhibits and works.
In 1964, François Arnal settles in Paris, he opens Studio A, and starts writing novels and plays.
Since 1967, he lived in Arcueil in a ancien factory, and on the french Riviera.
He died on october 28, 2012.
弗朗索瓦·阿納爾 François Arnal出生於La Valette(Var),來自一個葡萄酒種植者家庭。
1943年,他進入了一個“Auvergne maquis”作為抵抗,在那裡他結識了來自巴黎的荷蘭藝術家難民Conrad Kickert,他是Le Fauconnier的朋友。是他教他工作的第一個雛形,並鼓勵他畫畫。
他加入了Lyrical Abstraction(Charles Estienne)和非正式藝術(MichelTapié)的運動。他於1960年開始雕刻。每年在美國生活六個月,展出和工作。
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