CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Things in jars Animated Short Film by Maëlle Gressé-Denois, Haruthai Marchand, Kianna Molino, Gwendoline Moscato, Ana Belén Negrete Jacome, Quentin Piefke, Matilda Vial and Yuewan Zhou at ESMA. Featured on CGMeetup Gallery [ Ссылка ]
Finn, a teen who goes on a visit to his grandmother’s house for his birthday, finds himself entangled in an unexpected adventure along with his grandma, Fionna. Together they’ll have to overcome every challenge, while remembering what it was to be a team.
Directors: Maëlle Gressé-Denois, Haruthai Marchand, Kianna Molino, Gwendoline Moscato, Ana Belén Negrete Jacome, Quentin Piefke, Matilda Vial and Yuewan Zhou
Music: Laurent Vang & David Escudero
Voices: Angela Kent, Hylan Kaczmarek, Mark Kaczmarek
Singers: Laurent Vang, Nolwenn Guéhenneux
Sound: José Vicente, Yoann Poncet, Mickaël Merrheim - STUDIO DES AVIATEURS
Animation film produced as part of the 3D animated film training of the school ESMA [ Ссылка ]
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CGI Animated Short Film: "Things in Jars" by ESMA | CGMeetup
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