The Two Trees - Part 1 by Herbert W Armstrong - Radio Broadcast
Today one goes to school and finally to the University to get an education. It's like going into a grocery store to buy a loaf of bread, you go into the store, you ask for the loaf of bread, the clerk gives you the loaf, you pay your money, you pick up the loaf, you walk out with it. So you go to college, you go to the University, you pay your tuition, they funnel into your mind, inject into your mind an education and you go off with it, already made whatever they put into your mind...
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The Two Trees - Part 1 by Herbert W Armstrong
TwoTreesAmbassador CollegeBibleChurchChristiancogcogwaDoomsdayEconomyEducationEvilFaithFeast of TabernaclesGarner TedGodGospelHerbert ArmstrongHolyIsraelJerusalemJesuslcgLivingLordNuclearMysteryAgesPaganPasadenapcogPhiladelphiaPlain TruthProphecyRadiorcgRestoredReligionRoman EmpireSabbathSalvationSinSundayUnitedWorldwideWorld TomorrowChurch of God