How it works, inventors, development, types of low pressure gas-discharge lamps. The Neon Lamp has occupied a unique niche in modern society since 1915. It was and will likely continue to be the most attractive form of light for certain types of signage. The Neon and Argon Glow Lamps were an important step on the way to the all-important hot cathode Fluorescent lamp of the 1930s. The neon lamp uses two electrodes in a glass tube filled with neon, argon, krypton, helium, or xenon. A small amount of mercury is used to create UV light in signs with phosphors. Engineers include Geissler 1850s, Ramsay & Travers, Georges Claude and Daniel McFarlan Moore. This video is part of the Tour EL at
The Neon and Argon Lamp
neon signstechnologyelectric lightstypes ofneonagronxenonkryptonheliummercuryHgArNeglass tubebendhistory of neon signshistory of electric lightengineersengineeringdesignarcionizedionsvoltsdiametertubeenergyNobel GasesGeorges ClaudeHeinrich GeißlerMcFarlan Moore1915Claude Neon Lightsfirstinventoredison tech center