Sopwith Camel takes to the air - my second one - my last ended up as scrap matches after a "mechanical failure" but loved the model so much I got another one but this time I do not intend to throw it around as I did the other one because it's not a 3D plane so I will now stick to gentle loops & rolls so I can keep it a bit longer - I just love biplanes because they look like the real thing when they are in the air.
Hangar 9 - Sopwith Camel Maiden Flight
BPMFCbrucepeter2007Hanger9peter bruce eastchurch gapsheppeybiplaneFlyingAirPlaneAirplaneSopwith Camelbi-plane4strokeAircraftAviationFlightPlaneslandingradio controlRCPilotflying clubkentWW1fighterRadio ControlaircrafttourismglidingoffroadingautomobilesTravelForceHelicopterAtmosphere Of EarthGliderF16JetsMilitaryCrashSkyAirplanesBlueNatureDogfightAdventureAir Forcespitfireme109me110lancasterflying fortressb17