The Judy Green Performs "The Little Girl Lost" at Strobe Recording.
The Judy Green is poesy-rock from Illinois. Its open door band policy has seen members from the likes of Califone, Wilco and Iron & Wine come, go and then come back again.
The Judy Green's sophomore long-player, SWINE ON FRIDAY, produced with Jim Becker & Gillian Lisee & mixed by Brian Deck, is in the final stages of production, slated for a mid-2012 release.
For this Strobe Session, the Judy Green has assembled another all-star cast featuring Seth Vanek (drums), Kent Lambert (piano), Jason Labrosse (bass), Reid Coker (vox/gtr), Amalea Tshilds (vox/gtr), Beth Yates (harmonium), and Joe Adamik (gtr/organ/bass clarinet).
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