"Bhebecho Ki Mone" is an introspective Baul song, written and composed by Chand Baul. The song draws comparisons between the struggles of Life and a turbulent river, wherein the oarsman has lost the oar and is grappling to keep his head above water. The verses ask this oarsman to do 'sadhana' or austere practice of the Ultimate Truth, renouncing the material bonds of the world by confining the vivid desires of his heart, in order to get back on the boat and row towards safety. The oarsman actually refers to any individual going through the ups and downs of Life, and is being advised to follow a path by controlling worldly vices of his heart - Kaam, Krodh, Mad (Madan), Lobh, Moh, Matsarya - in order to attain spiritual liberation. The lyrics also talk about the importance of patience, and that the seemingly elusive goals that we strive for, will be attained when the time is right. Only then will we be able to experience the ethereal satisfaction of our achievements. Thematically, this song preaches about the significance of focused diligence, accompanied with patient perseverance.
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