How To Delete Windows.old Folder From Windows 11.
If you recently upgraded to a new version of Windows 11, you can use this guide to flush the Windows.old folder that's just wasting space on your device.
When you upgrade your computer to a new version of Windows 11, or you install a preview build, the installation process saves a copy of the previous version in the "Windows.old" folder.
This is part of the safety mechanism in case the upgrade process goes wrong. If the installation fails for any reason, the system can use the Windows.old folder to undo the changes. Also, if the upgrade completes successfully, the backup copy of the previous version will be kept to provide the option to rollback in the case the new installation is causing issues.
Issues addressed in this tutorial:
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This tutorial will apply for computers, laptops, desktops, and tablets running the Windows 11 operating system (Home, Professional, Enterprise, Education) from all supported hardware manufactures, like Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba, Lenovo, Huawei and Samsung.
How To Delete Windows.old Folder From Windows 11
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