Back this week w/ #OldFashionedFriday and we are SUPPPPPPERRRR excited about this weeks episode (you'll know why when you see). This week we stopped into Wren which is located at the The Watermark Hotel in Tysons Corner. This is an episode for the books and you will most likely see us back here ASAP.
Wren, The Watermark Hotel Old Fashioned Friday Review
wrenthe watermark hoteltysons cornerold fashioned fridayoldfashionedfridayvirginia is for grubbersvirginia grubbersold fashioned kingoldfashionedvirginiaisforgrubbersvirginiagrubbersfilmsbyjbourbonreviewwhiskeyreviewbourbonjunkiescocktailsbartendervirginianovafoodiesoldfashionedkingtipsybartenderold fashioned cocktailold fashioned recipevirginia is for loverscocktail reviewfilms by jvirginia foodiewren tysonswatermark hotel