With no case screws or speaker I should have known this would be trouble. So low off frequency to receive properly. Jusl like the Uniden sets of the time there is no trimmer capacitor for the reference crystal so I just had to replace it. Starting with rx sensitivity of 30uV I was able to bring this down to 0.9uV for 12DB SINAD. The normally troublesome SWR alarm & thyristor cutoff circuit had the adjustment preset removed so I left it thst way.
Unable to get a 3.5" (88mm) speaker, it'll be returned yo the customer operating on external speaker only. There was no mention on the job ticket about the missing speaker anyway.
I had to have the bottom screen plate off to deal with dry joints.
The TX meter fairy lights are not working, though gthe rx row are. The driver IC's will have failed & I know the customer will not want that repairing.
We did an 'on the air' test which will follow this video in a few hours & the radio actually worked well.
Recorded 28th June 2022
Richard G0OJF
Richard 2E0FKC (Mr.Chippie)
Lincolnshire, UK
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