Since December1938, trolleybuses have served the city of Winterthur on a medium-sized network with electrified trunk routes running north-south and east-west. Today, the trolleybus system consists of four regular lines and 34 articulated vehicles built by Solaris and Hess are in service.
As a traditional center of manufacturing and machine building, Winterthur was made most famous by Sulzer and SLM. From the mid 19th century to the late 20th century, heavy steam engines, locomotives, massive marine diesels and all sorts of other precision-built heavy kit were produced in Winterthur. Today, Stadler still builds train bogies in the city. The historic, brick-built industrial district as well as the old SLM locomotive assembly halls have been preserved and converted into contemporary cultural, commercial and residential spaces. Trolleybus route 1 runs along this for much of the way between Winterthur's main railway station and the Töss terminus and this attractive line section also features prominently in the film.
As a city with about 115 000 residents, "Winti" (as locals call it) has a high quality of life and the electric trolleybuses are a key component of this. The modal split along the bus network could actually still be significantly increased in favor of electric buses, through the use of battery trolleys, as currently several diesel bus routes run under the wires for significant stretches.
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Der Trolleybusbetrieb in Winterthur ersetzte zwischen 1938 und 1951 das kleine Strassenbahnnetz in Raten. Ursprünglich waren Saurer Solowagen im Einsatz, später gab es auch stilvolle Gelenkwagen von FBW und Berna. Aktuell sind nur Gelenk-Trolleys im Bestand der elektrischen Busflotte. Das nostalgische Aushängeschild der Winterthurer Flotte ist der betriebsfähige Oldtimer Nr. 101, welcher auch für Sonderfahrten oder spezielle Anlässe eingesetzt wird. Als Drehkreuz für alle Oberleitungsbusse in Winterthur dient der Hauptbahnhof, wo der zentrale Umsteigeknoten von einer markanten Dachkonstruktion überspannt wird.
Swiss Trolleybuses in Winterthur - Stadtbus
WinterthurStadtbusTrolleybusNostalgieOldtimerSulzerSLMLokiTössSchweizöVpublic transportSwissSwitzerlandKantonZürichWintiStadtwerkeBusbetriebSolarisTrollinoHessTrolleybusverein SchweizE-BusebuselectricelectrificationtrolleytrolejtrolejbustrolejbusytrolibuszArealStadttrolejbusova dopravaGelenkwagenarticulatedbendybuscitytrolleymotionbatterySaurerBernaFBWSuisseObusO-BusOberleitungsbustransporttrolleybusfilobusVerkehrretefiloviariaSvizzera