The traditional liberal democracies of the West are in decline, and divisive populist sentiment is on the rise. Former Economist editor-in-chief Bill Emmott explains that we have seen this phenomenon in Japan, France and Italy and now within all of Europe and America - as demonstrated by the vote for Brexit in the UK and Trump in the US. But where do we go from here?
Watch Bill Emmott, former Economist editor-in-chief, and Edward Luce, US Financial Times columnist, in our latest RSA Spotlight - the edits which take you straight to the heart of the event! Loved this snippet? Watch the full talk here: [ Ссылка ]
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The Rise of Populism with Bill Emmott
financial crisis2008 financial crashslow recovery of economydiscontentdisolutionrejection of establishmenthope and opportunityfate of the westbetter living standardsglobalisationequalitypolitical rightspopulismpopulistincomeemploymentmoralePresident TrumpTrumpismdecline in life expectancysoviet unioncolapse of securityneo-liberalalienationracial scapegoatingcampaigningpollselectionsliberal elitepolicypolitics