In this doomsday comedy, four couples who meet for Sunday brunch find themselves stranded in a house together as the world may be about to end. When Tracy Scott (Stiles) decides to introduce her new beau Glenn (Cross) to her three friends Hedy (Ferrera), Emma, and Lexi and their significant others, her biggest fear is whether or not her friends will approve of her new relationship, little does she realize that's the least of her worries. Before long the couples find themselves in the midst of an apocalyptic disaster, catching them all off guard. One thing is clear; these four couples aren't going to let the potential end of the world get in the way of the relationship issues they all need to work out.
Genre: Comedy
Rating: R (language including sexual references, some drug content)
Release Date: April 12, 2013
Running Time: 88 minutes
Director: Todd Berger
Cast: Julia Stiles, America Ferrera, Kevin M. Brennan, Jeff Grace, Blaise Miller, Todd Berger, Rachel Boston, Erinn Hayes, Laura Adkin, Rob McGillivray, Jared Sosa, Will Coleman, Helena Wei, Jesse Draper, David Cross
Bio and/or Filmography
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Clip from the track "Happy Alley" composed by Kevin MacLeod of Incompetech. [ Ссылка ]
Original screen designs and text edits completed by graphic designer, Lisa3679, and gamer NathanWubs.
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