Shortly before she was awarded the Padma Bhushan, the country's third-highest civilian award, badminton player PV Sindhu shared a glimpse of her Diwali celebrations on social media. The 26-year-old badminton star posted a clip of herself dancing to CKay's 'Love Nwantiti' on Instagram this Sunday. Dressed in a sea green kanjeevaram lehenga, PV Sindhu shook a leg to the international chart-topping single which has created a sensation on social media.
The dance video was shared as part of a series of Diwali posts. It has grossed up 1.2 million views within a day of being posted on Instagram. Alongside the video, Ms Sindhu added a number of hashtags like "#traditional #dance #love #music #dancelove" and a diya emoji.
President Ram Nath Kovind on Monday presented the Padma Bhushan to PV Sindhu in a ceremony at the Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi.
"It is a proud moment. I am very thankful to the Government of India, all of the ministers and President sir for giving me this award. I am very very happy, these kinds of awards give us a lot of encouragement, support and motivation to do much better in the coming future," PV Sindhu told ANI after receiving the Padma Bhushan award.
"Definitely I would work hard and give my best. I have some upcoming tournaments, so I hope I do well and give my best in them," she added.
PV Sindhu has already been honoured with Padam Shri in 2015, India's fourth-highest civilian award. In 2016, she was also awarded Khel Ratnam the highest sporting honour of India.
With her bronze in the women's singles competition at Tokyo Olympics 2020, she became the first woman from India to become a double Olympic medallist.
She is also one of the few celebrities from India who is a crazy fan of 'Love Nwantiti'- the song, by Nigerian singer CKay.
(With inputs from NDTV, ANI )
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