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Speaker 1: Today on our 2018 GMC Acadia, we're going to be test fitting the Titan Chain snow tire chains with cams, part number TC2829CAM. These low carbon steel chains are very durable. And the ladder pattern is going to assist with effective starts and stops while you drive with the v-bar links giving you superior traction on the ice. With the cam tighteners around the chain here, it doesn't make it necessary to buy any rubber tensioners, although you still can. And you can find those on come in a quantity of two. And once you're finished using them, come with a convenient canvas bag, so you can place them in there, and they're ready for next time.
Today we're with tire size 235 65R18. While installing tire chains, they can be a little bit trying on the hands, so we do recommend that you wear a pair of gloves while you install these. Before we install these onto the tire, I went ahead and laid them out, and make sure there's no kinks in the lines or anything like that.And our next step is to take this point here, and drape it over the back side of the tire, and start making our connections. Drape them over as evenly as possible. Then we'll go over to the back side, and make our connections.
Now we're going to turn the tire out just to make it easier to get to our connections here. We'll hook it up to our links, and then we'll straighten the tire out and make our connection. With everything installed, you can still see it's pretty loose here, so we're going to our cams and take our included tool, and tighten those cams up. And as we tighten it, it's going to take out that tension as well.With that, you can see it's much tighter. And now we're ready to hit the road.
What I would suggest, is to take a drive a short distance, 30 feet or so, make sure everything's working properly, and then you can keep going. And there you have it for the Titan Chain snow tire chains with cams on our 2018 GMC Acadia.