Tokyo Ghoul:re is a popular Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Sui Ishida. It is a sequel to the original Tokyo Ghoul series and takes place two years after the events of the first story. Here are three interesting facts about Tokyo Ghoul:re:
Crossover with Another Manga:
Tokyo Ghoul:re has a unique crossover with another manga series called "Jack Jeanne." In the 11th volume of Tokyo Ghoul:re, there is an extra chapter featuring characters from Jack Jeanne, written and illustrated by Yuza and Broccoli. This collaboration was a pleasant surprise for fans of both series.
Seasonal Sequels:
The anime adaptation of Tokyo Ghoul:re follows a unique release pattern. Instead of one continuous anime season, it is split into two parts. Tokyo Ghoul:re season 1 aired from April to June 2018, covering the first half of the manga series, while Tokyo Ghoul:re season 2 aired from October to December 2018, covering the remaining arcs. This decision allowed the anime to closely follow the manga's storyline without cutting out important details.
Complex Character Development:
Tokyo Ghoul:re delves deeper into the complex development of its characters. Many characters from the original Tokyo Ghoul series reappear in Tokyo Ghoul:re, and their pasts, motivations, and relationships are explored in greater depth. The series focuses on themes of identity, humanity, and the blurred line between good and evil, providing a thought-provoking experience for readers and viewers alike.
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