7 Amazing FACTS you need to know about Comfrey
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Do you suffer from; Sciatica, boils, rheumatism, varicose veins, ulcers, insect bites, tumours, muscular pain, pulled tendons, shingles?
Then you need to know about Comfrey!
1. Comfrey was used by the Greeks and Romans
its name, symphytum, from the Greek symphyo means
to "make grow together", referring to its traditional use of healing fractures.
2. Comfrey can be used to treat both eczema and psoriasis
eczema is a skin disorder where patches of skin become inflamed
and psoriasis also a skin disease that makes the skin itchy and red
Comfrey's astringent tannins form a protective surface over wounds that promotes healing. It can be applied directly onto your skin or in a poultice, promoting fast healing.
3.Comfrey CREAMS, ointments and teas are a great topical treatment of burns, skin ulcerations, and insect bites, and just about any skin irritation.
4. Comfrey relives the pain and inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, Comfrey is demulcent, so produces a mu-cil-age coat that soothes irritated tissues and helps to reduce inflammation this makes Comfrey a useful treatment of pain and inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
5. Comfrey can be used to treat bone fractures
known as knitbone because it stimulates cell division and can be remarkably effective in healing broken bones and skin.
Comfrey oil can be applied to fractured bones or torn ligaments
6. Comfrey is not recommended to be used internally but historically it was known to have expectorant properties and so had a relaxing effect on the respiratory membranes.
Since it helps relax and soothe membranes, and so its a useful herb in the treatment of coughs, asthma, and bronchitis.
7. Comfrey makes a great fertiliser as its roots can extend to depths of 10ft or more making it excellent at sucking up nutrients.
When decomposed it breaks down fast and transfers the nutrients back into the soil quickly.
It can also be made into a liquid feed and used for growing tomatoes.
Harvesting Comfrey, Both leaves and root are used medicinally, with the root being a bit more potent and mucilaginous than the leaves.
The Leaves are gathered from the healthy plant any time during its growing season, although the best time for a leaf harvest is during flowering.
How to use
Comfrey is best used as a poultice, oil, cream, ointment or external infusion
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7 Health benefits of Comfrey | Herbal Medicine
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