Council (Liverpool City Council) 26th January 2022 Part 1 (Ethical Charter and Local Plan)
Filmed by John Brace [ Ссылка ] in person at Liverpool Town Hall.
The agenda and reports for this public meeting can be found on Liverpool City Council's website [ Ссылка ] .
1. Declarations of Interest 5:56
To provide an opportunity for Members and Officers to declare any disclosable pecuniary or significant prejudicial interests, in which case the Member will need to leave the Chamber during consideration of the item.
2. Minutes of the Extraordinary City Council Meeting and City Council Meeting held on 8 December 2021 6:18
To consider the minutes of the Extraordinary City Council Meeting and City Council Meeting held on 8 December 2021.
Additional documents:
Minutes Public Pack, 08/12/2021 City Council Meeting
3. Petitions & Statements 8:36
To receive in accordance with the Standing Orders any petitions or statements from members of the public (limited to matters included on the published agenda).
(NOTE: A maximum period of 30 minutes has been set aside for this item)
4. Urgent Key Executive Decisions taken in the last cycle 9:00
To receive confirmation from Joanne Anderson, Mayor of Liverpool that during the last cycle of meetings no urgent Key Decisions were made by Cabinet.
3. Petitions & Statements 9:22
To receive in accordance with the Standing Orders any petitions or statements from members of the public (limited to matters included on the published agenda).
(NOTE: A maximum period of 30 minutes has been set aside for this item)
5. Changes in Committee Membership 9:54
To consider any proposed changes in committee memberships, to be reported directly at Full Council.
6. Section 85 Local Government Act 1972 (Six Month Rule) - Grant of Dispensation 10:29
It is recommended that for the reasons set out in the report submitted, Council is recommended to agree that –
(i) non-attendance of any member at Council meetings for any reason is related to Covid including infection, self-isolation, compliance with other restrictions on activity or to avoid the risk of infection constitutes “good reason” for the purposes of section 85 of the Local Government Act 1972;
(ii) subject to the approval of recommendation (ii), the six-month rule under s.85 of the Local Government Act 1972 shall be waived for attendance at either executive or non-executive meetings for all elected members up to the Annual General Meeting on 25 May 2022 unable to attend for these reasons; and
(iii) Members not attending meetings should notify their Group Whip and Democratic Services of the reason for their non-attendance.
7. Allocation of vacant seats on certain committees 12:00
It is recommended that subject to there being no dissent, approval be granted to extend the suspension of proportionality rules to include both the Environment Regulatory Committee and Street Trading Committee, and current vacancies on these committees be offered to the three independent councillors.
8. Pre-Decision review - Ethical Charter (M/11) 12:50
It is recommended that Full Council consider and comment on the report and accompanying proposal for the adoption of an Ethical Charter. Subject to the comments of Full Council, the report and Ethical Charter will be submitted to Cabinet on 4 February 2022 for final decision.
Additional documents:
Appendix 1 - DRAFT Ethical Charter
9. Council Tax Support Scheme 2022/23 (DML/31) 27:34
It is recommended that approval be granted for the current Council Tax Support Scheme being carried forward and remaining unchanged for 2022/23.
10. Adoption of the Liverpool Local Plan (SDH/11) 28:47
It is recommended that –
(i) approval be granted for the adoption of the Liverpool Local Plan, as set out in Appendix 1 and 1a to 1d to the report submitted as modified by the Main Modifications set out in the Inspector’s report (Appendix 2, 2a and 2b), consequential changes to the Local Plan and the Policies Map set out in the Inspectors Report (Appendix 2. 2a and 2b), the schedule of minor modifications (Appendix 3) and the schedule of Policies Map changes (Appendix 4 and 4a);
(ii) it be noted that the decision to adopt the Liverpool Local Plan will be subject to a statutory legal challenge period of 6 weeks from the date of adoption, 26 January 2022; and
(iii) delegated authority be granted to the Interim Chief Planning Officer (Head of Planning), in consultation with the CabinetMember for Development and Economy, to make any necessary further minor modifications, including to the Policies Map, prior to Council’s consideration of the Liverpool Local Plan that do not constitute matters of soundness.
Continues at Council (Liverpool City Council) 26th January 2022 Part 2 [ Ссылка ] .
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