Cycling the world - Europe: 183 episode
In this episode of my round-the-world bike tour, I wake up on a peaceful hilltop in Tuscany, enjoying a breakfast of fresh peaches I picked the night before. Following the Tuscany Trail bikepacking route, I take in the beauty of the rolling hills under a timid sun. After a quick lunch stop in San Quirico d’Orcia, where I luckily find an open supermarket on a Sunday, I head towards the stunning but tourist-packed town of Pienza. Leaving the crowds behind, I return to the quiet solitude of the countryside trails. A map glitch leads me off course in a wilder area where a river has shifted over the years, but I eventually find my way back. As evening approaches, I secure a roofed spot to camp just before a massive storm hits.
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Lost in Tuscany
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