▪ Yoon stresses Latin America's importance to S. Korea's GPS goals as takes off for APEC and G20
▪ S. Korea-U.S.-Japan to hold trilateral summit on APEC sidelines, Yoon likely to meet Chinese leader Xi Jinping
▪ Auto industry sees 'triple plus' with gains in production, domestic sales, exports
▪ S. Korea ICT exports increase 22% in October from same month last year
▪ Foreign exchange authorities to implement market stabilization measures if volatility heightens
▪ S. Korea to repeal financial investment income tax: Why, and what are the effects?
▪ South Korea's national college entrance exam Suneung day arrives
▪ Trump officially names Marco Rubio as Secretary of State
▪ Trump and Biden meet at White House, call for smooth transition
▪ Dem. Dave Min and Rep. Michelle Steel win seats in lower chamber of U.S. Congress
▪ 'Squid Game' returns with a darker plot, and efforts by producers to prevent spoilers
▪ [Weather] Rain until tomorrow morning, warm conditions will continue
[LIVE] THE DAILY REPORT (2024-11-14)
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