This is the 1947/48 film produced by several masters of that era including Mr RY Kynaston, Charles Hardy and Arnold Snodgrass. It features Kenneth King, John Parry, Benthley Beetham, Douglas Pittuck and Fred Ferguson amongst others. Originally silent it was updated to celebrate the 1995 centenary of the Old Barnardians Club. It now benefits from a commentary written and spoken by by Alan Wilkinson (a pupil from 1937 to 1944 and a master from 1952 to 1988 as well as an introduction by Frank McNamara (Headmaster from 1980 to 97) and a sequence at the end showing the school as it was in the mid 1990's with a commentary by Gerry Camozzi (a pupil from 1949 to 1957 and current Vice President of the club). The original film runs to 46 minutes with the 1990's sequence lasting for another 7 minutes after that.
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