AAON Controls Upgrade kits now available! Contact our Insight Parts Call Center anytime at 1-844-844-8227 for pricing and fast shipping anywhere in the country.
If quality, serviceability, and longevity are the qualities you are after, AAON® Xtend will help you get there. Extend your AAON system’s life by upgrading your HVAC control system to our latest technology: VCCX2.
Our kits include the latest VCCX2 controllers, modules, interconnecting cables, sensors and wiring instructions. Everyting you will need from a controls stanpoint to help extend the life of your AAON Rooftop Unit or AAON Split System.
The new VCCX2 Controller can be used to retrofit any AAON Controller. By upgrading to VCCX2, your customer is extending the life of the system without having to make an even larger investment.
If you AAON RN, AAON V3, AAON H3, AAON CC or AAON CB units have older Wattmaster or Orion controlers then it may be a time to look at upgrding.
AAON Wattmaster VCCX2 upgrage kits can be used to replace the following:
Wattmaster VCM
Wattmaster VCMX
Wattmaster VCCX
or they may be know to you as:
Orion VCM
Orion VCMX
Orion VCCX
Thank you and please contact our Insight Parts Call Center anytime at 1-844-844-8227 for pricing and fast shipping anywhere in the country.
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