Sound demo of a Transition era Ludwig pioneer. "Transition" refers to when the WFL drum company transitioned into the Ludwig drum company. The color of the wrap on the drum is called "sky blue pearl" by mine doesn't look very blue anymore. It had been abused and lived in a smoker's house for the majority of it's life. I received this drum as well as a matching 1965 Ludwig drumset (downbeat config). All I did was use car polish on the wrap to clean it up, and simichrome polish on all the hardware. Enjoy!
Drum Size: 6.5" x 14"
Material: 3 ply mahogany
Snares used: Puresound 16 strand steel wires
drum heads used : Evan's Calftone (batter)
Remo ambassador snare side (reso)
Recorded with an At2021 overhead mic and a Shure Beta 52.
#drumming #wfl #vintage #vintagedrums #drums #drums #drumhistory #evansdrumhead #remodrumheads
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Ludwig Transition Badge Pioneer
Ludwig snareLudwig drumsRestored drumsRestorationSky blue pearlSbp wrapsbp ludwigludwigdrummerdrummingludwig drummingmahoganymahogany drumspercussionludwig drums and percussiontransition badgetransition ludwigludwig transitionludwig transbadgeludwig trans badgecalftoneevans calftonedrumtransition era drum