With the Amulet XBoom Coupler® Universal Adapter System you can turn any mini or compact excavator into a “Rigid Boom, Full Revolving Tool Carrier" that can effectively use ANY universal skid steer loader attachment! Just look at this mini handle these forks… And the XBoom Coupler® System makes switching your machine back and forth SO EASY!…This video along with our other videos on the Amulet Channel, show you all you need to know…With the XBoom Coupler® System, you do not lose ANY excavator functions, but gain the ability to turn your machine into an entirely new one!… Just go to www.amulet.com or call 800-526-8538 for all the details!
Amulet XBoom Coupler® Mini Excavator Fork Attachment Demo
Excavator Quick Hitch CouplerEarthmovingFront LoaderTrack LoaderWheel LoaderSkid Steer LoaderExcavator Quick CouplerSkid Steer Universal AdapterSkid Steer AttachmentLandscape ConstructionCompact Track LoaderMini ExcavatorCompact ExcavatorExcavatingSkid Steer ForksSkid Steer AugerSkid Steer BucketSkid Steer Hammer BreakerTrenchingGradingSnow Removal With ExcavatorXBoom CouplerX Boom CouplerAmulet Manufacturing