In this final installment of our three-part series, crafting expert Sophie Maletsky gets back to one of her favorite crafting themes - recycled crafts. Here she takes a pizza box and turns it into an easel and travel art kit.
Part 1 is here: [ Ссылка ]
Part 2 is here: [ Ссылка ]
Pizza Box Easel - Part 3|Sophie's World
Sophie MaletskySophieMaletskySophie’s Stress-Free SoiréesSophie-WorldSophie’s WorldKidChildChildrenFunCoolPlayCuteEasyCraftCraftingMakeGameActivityArtProjectDIYHomemadeHowtoHow-toHow toPartyPartiesEventFamilyCreativityCreativeCreateartart suppliesboxcardboard boxpizza boxeaselpizzasophie's worlddo it yourself (hobby)paintpaintingsophie's world duct tape