As you are aware that Ganesh festival will soon be celebrated in Maharashtra especially in Pune during first week of September this year. For last couple of years lot of awareness was created among society to worship clay (shadu) idols and immerse them at home and in case of Plaster of Paris (POP) idols immersion in artificial tanks provided by PMC instead of immersing them in river or lakes to avoid water pollution.
Since last 2 years CSIR-NCL has very actively worked on finding Eco-friendly solution for immersion of POP Ganesh idols and convert it in to useful products like fertiliser and chalk raw material. This year NCL as well as PMC has decided to promote this solution on a larger scale in NCL premises as well as across Pune city.
For brining this solution to reality, NCL has decided to create awareness program initially in different schools in Pune which will involve small demonstration, video clipping, presentation as well as distribution of pamphlets to the school children.
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