Since 2018 I've been recording Dad whenever I could. During Lockdown we had the time to work with some great musicians who have put together some music for an album we never thought was possible. This is the album. Another 13 Big Band Tracks from Teddy Mac - The Songaminute Man. Out Winter 2021. Pre-orders only from
The New Album | The Songaminute Man
Teddy MacTed McDermottSimon McDermottMac McDermottSongaminutethe songaminute mandementiaalzheimersalzheimer'salzheimer's diseasesingingfather and soncarpool karaokesinging in caralzheimer's singersong-a-minutemusic for dementiaAlzheimer's societyFundraising for dementiaPride of Britain awardsmusic therapymusic therapy for dementiasinging in the car