A few minutes on 80m using my 80m EFHW 'Wonder Wire' antenna.. with mixed signal levels: some S9+ and some at the noise level - with and without Yaesu DNR (default menu setting).
Headphones or decent quality ear buds recommended.
Check this thing out! Watch this DNR go... especially at 03:00 when I pressed the ATTN button for another 6db of attenuation: 12 db total. That was the magic number for this antenna, on these guys tonight. Watch me turn it back off 13 seconds later and the difference is shocking.
My next post will be tomorrow, and will be a look at my Heath HG-10 VFO.
Be well guys...
... me
FTdx-3000 SSB DNR - 80m EFHW - Mixed Signal Levels
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