Utwór „List Do Matki” jest nagrany na płycie zespołu Biało-Czerwoni – The White And Red Band - Numer 1, dostępny tu:
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Rejestracja Utworu: Nr. ZAiKS 5514470, IPI/CAE- 01012364218
#ListDoMatki #PamiętamJakOpuszczałem #BiałoCzerwoni
The song “List Do Matki” (A Letter To Mom) is recorded on the Volume 1 of the “Bialo-Czerwoni / The White And Red Band”. The album was originally released on vinyl LP in 1976. It is one the iconic songs associated with the White And Red Band – Bialo-Czerwoni, of all times that almost demands to have a video associated with it.
The song is a testimonial of a son who, after leaving a homeland succeeds in the in the new world to the point that he completely forgets about his mother and the father. The moment of awakening takes place a several years later when he falls on hard times. Then, he decides to write a letter to his mother who perhaps might not be alive anymore.
This song is still one of the most covered songs of the “Bialo-Czerwoni / The White And Red Band” by the musical groups in Poland and Polish bands around the world.
The song is one of the first compositions written by the leader of the band Zbigniew Marlon Kasprzyk. He wrote lyrics and the music to the song.
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