Credit cards with a 0% balance transfer offer are amazing tools that can save you money on debt. The credit card companies don’t make it easy for you, though. Why should they? When you’re saving money on interest, they’re making less revenue. If you decide to make this card your specialty card, let’s make sure that you come out on top. To win the balance transfer game, you need to understand the rule of the game. This includes the risks and the benefits of what it means to win a 0% balance transfer offer. We’ve put together some rules that, if you follow them, will improve the likelihood of success.
00:00 0% Balance Transfer
00:32 Payment Application
03:26 General Rules to Win
05:45 Credit Card Eligibility Rules
06:45 Transfer Fees
07:30 Payment Application Again
🧮Balance Transfer Calculator: [ Ссылка ]
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