Digimon World: Next Order's story centers around two main characters: Japanese third-year high school students Takuto (タクト) and Shiki (シキ). Takuto was once a passionate Digimon fan in his youth, even becoming runner-up in a national tournament, but has since become more concerned with adolescent life and wondering about his future. He and Shiki are transported to the Digital World, where they meet their Digimon partners, including Agumon, Gabumon, Biyomon and Palmon.[12] They are joined on their journey by classmates Kouta Hirose (広瀬コウタ), whose partner is Guilmon he nicknamed "Yukimura", and Himari Oofuchi (大淵ヒマリ, Oofuchi Himari), who is partnered with a Salamon she nicknamed "Rikka". Follow their journey in Digimon World Next Order!
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