The highly anticipated Alien: Romulus, directed by Fede Álvarez, takes the iconic sci-fi horror franchise back to its terrifying roots. Set 20 years after the original Alien movie, it follows a group of young space colonists scavenging a derelict space station. What they discover is the franchise’s trademark nightmare: Xenomorphs, ready to deliver brutal and horrifying encounters.
This entry focuses on the raw, isolated horror that made the original films so iconic, eschewing complex lore for a more visceral experience. With a cast led by Cailee Spaeny and Isabela Merced, the film promises intense scenes, described as so gruesome that even the crew looked away during playback.
Alien: Romulus releases in theaters on August 16, 2024. Fans can expect a chilling, adrenaline-pumping ride back to the deadly corners of space. Are you ready to face the Xenomorphs again?
Alien Romulus don't play around
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