Wilhuff Tarkin was born into a powerful family who raised him to be ruthless and arrogant. His childhood lessons allowed him to easily rise to the rank of Grand Moff in Emperor Palpatine’s Galactic Empire.
But just how ruthless was he?
Shortly after taking command of the first Death Star the crew ran a simulation. During the procedures, one of the gunners hesitated causing the test to be aborted.
Tarkin addressed all 168 gunners. His initial reaction was to physically make an example of the derelict gunner, but he instead threatened them all that anyone unwilling to fire when commanded would be sent to the labor colonies.
Following the destruction of Alderaan, Tarkin reviewed each gunner’s reaction data and had those who were flagged brought to him. He revealed to them biotrackers had been placed in their helmets and they had each hesitated following the order to destroy Alderaan.
An Alderaanian crew member asked Tarkin how he would feel if ordered to destroy his home planet. Tarkin smiled and replied he would execute the order with pleasure.
Turning his back on the gunners, he had them ejected into space.
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