Intertwining the short stories we had the opportunity to tell in 2020:
⁃ The “ConnectChoro” Live (with over 100 interviews).
⁃ The partnership with @escolaraphaelrabello that resulted in a group with over 10 students.
⁃ working with @escoladechorosp that resulted in a group who are helping the school to put English subtitles on the ECSP content, they’re the Choro Translators.
⁃ The study group in the Northern Beaches at @botecomanly .
⁃ The Roda de Choro (Sydney) at @bronte_belo celebrating 3 years.
⁃ Open rehearsals at @charandcodoublebay.
We were very lucky when they all said yes to the crazy idea of joining almost 30 musicians to play the same song! With special thanks to @otaviolcosta who helped make that dream come true. So to say goodbye with happiness and hope to this fateful year we are honoured to present to you a tribute to Choro, a gift for you. Cochichando (Pixinguinha)
Sydney Choro Club
Online group (ECRR)
Study group
Choro Translators
Escola de Choro de São Paulo
Roda de Choro (Sydney)
Chorões of:
Blue Mountain
New Zealand
Musicians :
Ed Schots - flute
Michael Brown - soprano sax
Rodrigo Miranda - pandeiro
Phill Braithwaite - flute
Dani Fenga - shakers
Marina Cavalcanti - pandeiro
Douglas Aguiar - pandeiro
Jason Arruzza - mandolin
Vitor Casagrande - mandolin
Pedro Pinheiro - guitar 6
Greg Gibson - clarinet
Analisa Powell - flute
Adam May - cavaco
Eddie Gazani - guitar 7
Marianne Bedin - flute
Paul Carey - guitar 7
Bruno Buzato - tenor sax
Enrique Araújo - cavaco
Jacinta McPhillamy - violin
Martin Rotolo - guitar 6
Rafael Toledo - pandeiro
George Machado - double bass
Marcel kocbek-Malepa - euphonium
Bill Sukala - egg shaker
Lukas Maio - accordion
Heloísa McMillan - accordion
Ricardo Bona - accordion
Stuart Vandegraaff - soprano sax
Sebastian Cañas - clarinet
Ещё видео!