air conditioner memang harus ada perawatan khusus. perawatan harus sering dilakukan paling sedikit 4bulan sekali harus dibersihkan itupun jika pemakaiannya cuma pada saat tidur saja. beda lagi jika pemakaiannya hampir nonstop atau full time. jika AC yang penggunaanya secara nonstop maka dibutuhkan perawatan rutin setiap 2bulan sekali bahkan bisa saja sebulan sekali harus dicuci. dan jika AC tidak pernah dirawat mungkin ada yang harus dicuci besar. lihat videonya seperti berikut ini.
air conditioner does need special care. maintenance must be carried out frequently at least once every 4 months, it must be cleaned and even then if you only use it while sleeping. it's different if you use it almost non-stop or full time. if the air conditioner is used non-stop, routine maintenance is needed every 2 months, maybe even once a month it has to be washed. and if the air conditioner has never been maintained, there may be a big need to wash it. see the video as follows.
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