In 1973, the world was thrown into chaos by the Arab Oil Embargo. This educational mini documentary explores the causes and consequences of this pivotal event, from long gas lines and economic slowdown to the rise of alternative energy sources. Learn how the Arab-Israeli conflict ignited a global energy crisis and shaped the world we live in today.
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Image and Footage Credits:
“Cars line up for gas at a gas station in Martinez, CA, 1973.” (AP Photo/File)
“People with jerrycans line up for limited supplies of gasoline during the 1970s energy crisis.” (WordPress/Leonard J. Press)
“Street battle in Frankfurt am Main in 1974.” (picture-alliance/dpa/Joachim Litzenberger)
“Sign reading ‘Gas shortage! Sales limited to 10 gallons of gas per customer’ posted at a Connecticut filling station during the energy crisis.” (Owen Franken/Corbis Historical/Getty Images)
“Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Power Station, Fukushima, Japan.” (Tokyo Electric Power Co., TEPCO)
“Secretary of State, Kissinger at one of his first press conferences, on 12 October 1973.” (National Archives, Still Picture Unit, Record Group 59-BP, box 35, envelope VS 1053-73 Secy’s Press Conf)
“Smoke fills the air and Israeli artillerymen plug their ears while laying down a barrage on Syrian positions along the Syrian border on October 12, 1973, during the Yom Kippur War.” (Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
“Texaco Garage, June 19, 1979.” (Brian Alpert/Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
“Arab oil embargo, Representatives of OPEC announcing the lifting of the oil embargo on the United States, March 1974.” (Everett Collection/age footstock)
“1974 Toyota Celica GT.” BigNickel, [ Ссылка ]
“A Look Inside The Arlington General Motors Plant - 1972 (Silent).” SMU Jones Film, [ Ссылка ]
“Amsterdam cyclists 1970s.” BicycleDutch, [ Ссылка ]
“President Nixon's Energy Policy Address.” Richard Nixon Foundation, [ Ссылка ]
“🕎☪💥 Yom Kippur WAR of 1973.” Fernando Benitez, [ Ссылка ]
#YomKippurWar #OilEmbargo #EnergyCrisis #Geopolitics
Fueling Change: 1973 Oil Crisis
OAPECOrganization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countriesoil crissisoil embargoe1973 oil crissisenegy crissisOPECOPEKOrganization of Petrolum Exporting CountrysArab-Isralie warYom Kippor Warenegy independanceNixxon administrationProject Independencegass shortagesfule pricesgasolin pricesMidle Eastrenwable enegynuculer powerenegy diversificatonGenral Motorsgeopolital tensionsenegy resillence.Energy and Sustainability