Lalu Prasad's Daughter tweeted a video of celebration and said 'Raj Tilak Ki Karo Tayyari'. This tweet has predicts that Nitish Kumar has broke the alliance with NDA & BJP and formed it with RJD. It's celebration time in RJD camp.
This tweet happened simultaneously when Nitish Kumar will have a meeting with the governor of Bihar at 4.00 p.m. most probably to show the documents and letter of support he received from Congress. There are other meetings held at Rabdi Devi's residence also. There are RJD workers waiting outside CM Office for the final decision, and are ready to accept whatever decision will come. One of the workers expressed that RJD workers are not satisfied with the operations of PM Modi and hence, will support JDU. Close sources have hinted that Nitish Kumar has made up his mind to break out of the alliance with BJP and NDA. Meanwhile, BJP has also called a core meeting at Bihar's headquarters at 5.00 p.m.
#rjdjdualliance #biharnews #breakingnews
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